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Customized Event Outsourcing

December 17, 2019 // Tools

Focus on What Matters: Your Unique Event

While attendee management is extremely important – you can’t have a meeting or event without attendees! – focusing on it can create a lot of noise. Meeting planners and company leaders don’t need to be spending their days answering questions about dress code and talking with the hotel about one-off extension requests. Outsourcing attendee management to a trusted partner allows planners and leaders time to work on the bigger picture of the event, high-level details, content and theme that work together to create a great meeting or event.

Every event planner has different strengths and passions. Some love to closely manage food and beverage, some like to run behind-the-scenes production, while others like to interact with attendees. When we partner with a client on their event, we let them handle the parts they want to handle, and we take the other elements off their plate so they can focus on what they excel at. When a person is working on projects or tactics that they love, they tend to thrive, and so does the meeting or event.

Think about your next event, and the areas you really want to focus on in-house. Is it the keynote speaker and the theme they’ll share that will carry into all the other content of the meeting? Or is it the food and beverage that will really capture the essence of your brand? And then think of the details that you really don’t want to think about ever again. Is it the hotel registrations? Or the onsite registration? Whatever event-related tasks make you cringe, we want to hear it and help you with it!

Custom-Build Your Event Outsourcing with metroConnections

metroConnections offers a suite of services that allows the client to custom build the support they need, based on the needs of each individual planning team and the event or meeting. A truly great event isn’t cookie cutter, so the services we bring to the table shouldn’t be cookie cutter either.

Tell us about your current attendee management process. How can we help you?

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